Friday, February 12, 2010

This is a photo of a Nickelodean.  This particular one still existed in South Carolina, columbia.  The first theater was born in 1902.  Not soon after they became one of the most popular activities.  From this time to the 1930's urbanization was dominating.  This brought a whole new type of culture and lifestyle.  One major change was the nickelodean's.   Before urbanization consisted of listening to the radio and mostly family activities within the home.  Once people urbanized then amuzment arcades started showing short 15 miniute films.  With dating and the new pop culture growing theaters became an everyday thing. 
In the window on the right is a picture of Charlie Chapmin.  He has to be one of the first famous celeberties of his time.  As you can see the Nickelodean would market him by what looks to be a cardboard cut out of Chapmin.  The window shopping style of advertisement seems to be a bite of departmentstores.  Just like they departmentstores it was a fixed price to see the movie, posters and signs in the windows and just the idea of the consumer leaving there home and driving to a building for entertainment was revolutionary.   

1 comment:

  1. Jesse,
    You'v still got to work on grammar and spelling ---it's Nickleodeon with an "o", not Nickleodean with an "a". And it's Columbia, South Carolina, not "South Carolina, columbia (with a lower case "c"" --Charlie Chaplin, not Chapmin, and you can't analyze a contemporary photo and claim that that's what it looked like then- Chaplin was not an actor in Niclkleodeon films. He came later. There are plenty of archival photos of Nickleodeons available online. There are other misspellings and awkward grammar, too.
    Beyond that, in terms of content, this is a good example of why it's not a good idea to get ahead of the lectures. You leave out essential parts of the story of how and why Nickleodeons came about ad the history of the development of film technology: at the time when Nickleodeons were popular, radio was not yet omnipresent, and films were not usually fifteen minutes long- they ranged from 30sec. to 5 min.
